“How to Learn Math for Teachers” and “Mathematical Mindsets” are courses about the teaching of mathematics K-12. If you are new to the ideas shared on youcubed and in the book Mathematical Mindsets, “How to Learn Math for Teachers” is for you. If you are knowledgeable about the latest research and you already use number talks regularly, “Mathematical Mindsets” is the next course along. “Mathematical Mindsets” also shares the approach of our youcubed summer camps, with over 30 classroom videos. If you would like to learn about ways to integrate data science into your teaching, of any subject or grade, then our newest course, “21st Century Teaching and Learning: Data Science,” is the best choice. Click on any of the courses below to learn more!
Online Courses for Teachers
Our newest online course, focused on integrating data science into teaching
Shares the approach of our youcubed summer camps, with over 30 classroom videos
Our first online course, covering essential research and teaching techniques