We have designed a Mathematical Mindset Guide to help teachers create or strengthen a growth mindset culture. This guide contains five Mathematical Mindset Practices along with links to teaching videos. The videos all show Jo and Cathy teaching middle school students. There are different stages described in each practice to help capture the journey of a mathematical mindset classroom and the evidence teachers may collect along the way for their own reflection or for discussion with colleagues. The guide has been designed for teachers to use in the process of self-reflection, or for coaches or administrators to use to encourage a mindset teaching culture. In the interactive version of the guide on this web page, you can click on the arrow buttons in the Expanding descriptors to see a short extract of Jo/Cathy teaching in the ways described.
Our goal for the guide is to support a mathematical mindset journey of learning and growth. Teachers can work with the guide individually or in collaboration with others. The guide is intended to be non-judgmental, non-evaluative, and iterative in nature. When using the guide consider the classroom community as a whole rather than the teacher alone. It is also important to note that while the goal of the guide is to communicate all aspects of a mathematical mindset classroom, it is not always possible to find evidence of all practices in one lesson. We encourage teachers, coaches, and administrators to use this guide, and our reflection suggestions iteratively over multiple lessons.
You can download the guide here. We have also created a document that contains advice on how the use the guide and an example teacher journal. We would like to thank the Tulare County Office of Education for their help in developing the guide.
In the interactive version of the guide below, you can click on the arrow buttons in the Expanding descriptors to see a short clip of Jo/Cathy teaching middle school students.
Mathematical Mindset Practice 1: Growth Mindset Culture

Mathematical Mindset Practice 2: Nature of Mathematics

Mathematical Mindset Practice 3: Challenge & Struggle

Mathematical Mindset Practice 4: Connections & Collaborations

Mathematical Mindset Practice 5: Assessment